Thursday, November 02, 2006

In America, woman can vote, but horse cant? Hm?

I am personally super excited for the Borat movie. I am also super happy that I dont live in Kazakhstan. Because the only movie that I wish the govenment precluded me from watching is "Employee of the Month." Where was Kasymzhomart Tokayev back then?!?

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- Kazakhstan will probably not show a British comedian's film poking fun at the former Soviet republic, the country's foreign minister said, adding that he did not find it
Kasymzhomart Tokayev told a German newspaper he hoped German cinema-goers would also keep straight faces when Sacha Baron Cohen's satirical film in which he plays fictional Kazakh television reporter Borat opens in their cinemas on Thursday.
Asked by the Bild newspaper if he had had been able to laugh at the snippets of the film 'Borat' he had seen, the minister said: "Honestly, no." "Apart from the name of our country and our flag, it has nothing
to do with us. I also hope the people in your country will not laugh at us, but that the film will arouse their interest. They should come to our country and get to know the real Kazakhstan," he said.
Tokayev added that he did not expect any Kazakh cinema to show the film, in which Cohen's moustachioed Borat expresses his trademark misogynistic, racist and anti-Semitic views.
"This is a film which has xenophobic content," he said.
Cohen's jokes have become a public relations headache for Kazakhstan as the former Soviet state seeks to position itself as a modern nation of well-educated professionals and a major non-OPEC oil exporter.


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