Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Milkin' it for all it's worth...

Ok so for all of you who religiously watched season 2 of "Flavor of Love", you know what went down in the reunion show. In case you missed it - let me just say: Buckwild, ugly white shoe, New York, drama.
Of course, my woman New York stayed classy as usual and took it all with a big smirk on her face.
I'm not hating on Buckwild, though - she provided me with hours of endless entertainment, so much so that I just wanted to "get Buckwild" with her (and still do). Seeing her go was tough, and having her back on the reunion was just AWESOME. Now she is auctioning the very shoe used in her attack against New York on Ebay.
Right now, the highest bid is $305. If I had that kind of money, I'd buy the shoe and give it to Di as a token of our friendship. Because that's the kinda shit we bond over.


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