Wednesday, February 07, 2007

cocaine kills

The Olsens, now sporting the same rootiful hair color, continue to look dead in the eyes. Why? Well, it's probably because of the fact that they order oodles and oodles of fine cocaine at a fairly regular basis, a lot for such little This comes from a VERY reliable source, who also lets me know that the business of ordering and paying for the goodies is done by their cousin, and manager/assistant Patty Olsen.

In the words of The Little Mermaid's Ursula, "those poor unfortunate souls...."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

they really do look like those green little slimy things that fell victum to ursula in little mermaid!

12:19 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YESSSSSSSS Coke Whore Fantasy in prgress...

11:14 AM EST  

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