According to the
Hollywood Gossip Whores, the Sex & the City movie that has long been chattered about may finally become a reality. When the show wrapped in 2004, negotiations for a big-screen adaption apparently failed due to Kim Cattral's catty disinterest in working with Sarah Jessica Gremlin Horsey Parker. Apparently, all four ladies have now reconsidered and an inside source says that each actress and their teams of slaves are renegotiating.
What does this really mean?
It means that none of those hags could actually make it without their beloved "Women are crazy" show. Even Giddyup Parker couldn't make it as a top-notch thespien, and I doubt "Failure to Launch" is going to garner any Oscar nods. So, they have nothing better to do than go back to S&TC, the thing they do best - bitch and screw. [You know I'll be preordering tickets.]
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