although i normally dont take sides in divorces i am not a part of...
...there is absolutely noway that Heather Mills is the good guy in the dissolution of this marriage. Paul is a cuddly bear of a man, and although I'm sure he's not perfect - as no one is - he seems like a great hubby and daddy. And I have not seen one ounce of evidence to prove the Heather is not a money-hungry, fame-obsessed gold digger. Here is what Sir Paul McCartney told BBC Radio today:
"There are certain things in life that are personal and I think a relationship with a partner is intensely personal and I prefer to keep it that way. I think when you are going through difficulties the thing to do, for sake of all the people concerned, is to keep a certain dignity and remember that it is a private affair. That way you will probably get through it better, you will put less noses out of joint and I think it's a more dignified way to go about it. So that's what I try to do. I don't hold grudges against anyone. I don't blame anyone for the sadnesses that have happened to me. Even through difficult moments, I like to try and look to the other side and think there'll come a time when I'll feel better."
"There are certain things in life that are personal and I think a relationship with a partner is intensely personal and I prefer to keep it that way. I think when you are going through difficulties the thing to do, for sake of all the people concerned, is to keep a certain dignity and remember that it is a private affair. That way you will probably get through it better, you will put less noses out of joint and I think it's a more dignified way to go about it. So that's what I try to do. I don't hold grudges against anyone. I don't blame anyone for the sadnesses that have happened to me. Even through difficult moments, I like to try and look to the other side and think there'll come a time when I'll feel better."

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