Sunday, February 11, 2007

John Mayer should shoot himself and take Beyonce along with him

Ok, I'm sick of the Grammys already.
John Mayer, John Legend and Corinne what's her name wouldn't shut up for the last 15 minutes. Now Mayer beat Christina and Justin - ew. I'm not saying his music is bad (well maybe I am) - I just can't stand the guy.

Justin may have lost but he's like way hotter and knows it. I loved how he was smirking at the camera looking like he doesn't give a f*ck while John "I'm desperate enough for a beard that I'd date Jessice Simpson" Mayer was giving his acceptance speech.

Oh hell, here's a picture of the hotness that is Justin Timberlake. He's come a long way since "Tearin' Up My Heart."


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