Reason #93429048024 why I love the Brits

So what happens in England after you decide to kick a reporter? (let's keep in mind the number of times this guy was arrested, went to jail, etc.) -- you get fined $1400, pay for compensation and court costs.
It's like you can do ANYTHING in London and go free!
Go Pete Doherty! SAPS loves you!!!
Guess what, guys. I don't care!!!
who is this loser? get a life nerdo!
This guy looks prepubescent. And why are we reading about him?
Pete Doherty is such a mess! What the hellll does Kate Moss see in him?!? WTF?!?!?!?!?!?
and by nerdo I am referring to first person who posted. If you dont care, dont comment loser
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