Lindsay either talks too much or has nothing to say at all.....

Watch another video starring Lindsay Lohan. This time, she claims she hasn't heard about Britney and K-Fed (what rock is she living under - better yet, what is this girl taking?) At first, she sounds smart with her "In terms of what?" - but then she just starts babbling. But you know, for the second time today, I have to say I agree with Linds. First, she describes Paris in the only way one could, if they wanted to be honest. Second, she says what I've been thinking since yesterday - WHO CARES ABOUT BRITNEY ANYMORE. I'm so over it. I leave it to Di to take care of the rest of the Britney posts. UNLESS Britney gets ridiculously hot again, or hooks up with Justin. Then, I'm sure I'll start caring.
Also, bravo to Lindsay for not saying something stupid like "Britney's a c*nt" or "so, is Kevin single?".... girl knows she should keep her mouth shut SOMETIMES.
(Who am I kidding? I'll be posting about Britney the second she walks out of another NYC restaurant looking like a ho. Mmm... you can see for yourself.)

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