
Apparently, during a film shoot a young Hollywood actress left her mic on when she went to get busy with an unidentified male in a truck. One of the sound operators noticed that her mic was still on and listened and taped while the actress and the dude made out and then she leaned over and gave him a bj. She ends by telling the dude “Yeah, cum.”
According to the sound guy, the actress has a boyfriend (or had a bf, at the time of this incident).
Rumors are flying around that it's either Scarlett Johansson or Lindsay Lohan.
Which brings us to the Q of the day -
If you could choose, who would you rather it be???
I say Lindsay. Yeah, she's dirtier and you'd probably get 9080344 diseases, but then you know that dirty is not always a bad thing...
totally scarlett.
she looks like she's hiding a lot.
i bet shes a dirty girl.
oh I think it's Scarlett but it would be way funnier if it was Lindsay.
Rumor has it that Scarlett is a screamer, and she has a smoking body. Scarlett all the way.
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