Monday, December 04, 2006

New York could use another vacant apartment

So, as we posted several days ago as a ?Celebrity? Verbal Vomit of the Day, Gwyneth Paltrow thinks Americans are stupid and uncivilized and totally prefers the English hands down. Well, now Gwyn is doing some damage control, b/c she realizes that the feeling is mutual. She said:

“First of all I feel so lucky to be American. When you look at the rest of the world, we’re so lucky, and that’s something my dad always instilled in me. I feel so proud to be American. I felt so upset to be completely misconstrued and I never, ever would have said that. I definitely did not say that I think the British are more intelligent and civilized than Americans. I am a New York girl, that’s how I always think of myself and see myself.”

Basically, she thinks that we are all stupid enough to forgive her and watch her crappy movies again. NO ONE LIKES YOU! MOVE TO ENGLAND PERMANENTLY YOU STUPID HAG! In other words, "Apology not accepted."


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